Weight Loss Information

Hollywood Weight Loss Secrets ? Movie Star Personal Trainer Tells All!

In the early nineties I had the opportunity to work with some of the most famous movie stars in the world. As a manager and personal trainer of Kathy Smith?s health club I experienced first hand the secrets to the stars. Here are a few things they did to look like they do:

Feeling Tired? Cant Lose Weight? Tap Into Protein Power!

You're always hungry right? The last thing you have time for is to plan meals ahead. Don't despair, you body was designed to be refueled continually. We are not camels and we are unable to work in tip top condition without the essential nutrients our body requires. Your body was designed for a regular supply fo good quality food throughout the day.

Weight Loss - A Complex Issue - Learn More

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The Best Diet/Way To Lose Weight

The diet that worked for me

Are You Losing Body Fat or Water?

?I tried that diet and lost 8 pounds in the first week!?

Diet and Exercise Evolution: Water: 65% of Your Body Cant be Wrong

The Liver The function of your kidneys is to filter your blood (which is mostly water). And one of the functions of your liver is to metabolize fat. If you don't consume enough water, your kidneys can't function properly, so your liver starts to help perform kidney functions. So, if your liver is busy helping your ailing kidneys, you can't burn as much fat. Let me repeat that: No matter how much you exercise, if you don't drink enough water, your liver will not metabolize fat for you, because it is trying to help your kidneys. Too Much Water? Being hyper-hydrated (consuming too much water) is not in any way harmful , and actually helps your body metabolize fat. The greatest ill effect of excess water consumption is that you will visit the washroom more often. Consider it a chance to fit in a little more exercise into your daily routine. There have been a few cases of long distance runners who have died from drinking water to toxic levels, but this is extremely rare, and their situation is very unique, so it is nothing for a normal person to worry about. Retaining Water You may have a medical condition that causes you to retain water, probably because of excess salt (sodium) in your system. The solution is simple: drink more water. Your body retains water for the same reason it retains fat: your body thinks that it's hard to come by. If you teach your body that food is abundant, it will stop storing it. If you teach your body that water is abundant by drinking more of it, your body will stop storing it. For more information on how your body adapts to various stimuli, read my articles about adaptation on my website, they're free. Other Benefits The more water you drink the healthier your skin becomes, because it has to be moisturized from the inside and out. It also contributes to joint lubrication, reducing the risk of injury in any activity. Water is the best cure for constipation, and should be your first choice, even before increasing fiber or taking laxatives. When you are active, you should drink even more water, especially on hot days, to replace what you lose in sweat. Do not wait until you're thirsty, because that is your body telling you that it is already under-hydrated. Try to keep yourself over-hydrated for best health. Here's an extra tip: cold water is more easily absorbed into your system, plus it slightly lowers your body temperature, so you have to burn a few extra calories to bring your body temperature back up. I Drink Plenty of Coffee, That's Mostly Water, Right? What counts as water? Some say "only water", but some research has found that fruit juices that are mostly water can be counted towards your daily quota. However, you simply can't drink as much juice as you can water. Juice will fill you up, and contains sugar which you should try to minimize in your diet. So, it's really not a substitute for simple, clear water. And even though coffee is made with mostly water, it does not count since it is a diuretic and actually strips water from your system. Colas are also full of that diuretic caffeine, besides their ultra-high sugar content, so soft drinks should be the first item to stop consuming if you're trying to lose weight. Replace those "alternatives" with a glass of water, and you'll feel better and start losing pounds and inches. It was recently found that even diet sodas do not help dieters, go to the "news" section of my site to read more about this research. I hope it goes without saying that alcohol, even when mixed with water, is a diuretic and my advice is to minimize your consumption of alcoholic drinks. Final Tip You don't have to drink a huge glass or two all at once, either. I have a large glass of water at my desk all day. As soon as it is empty, I refill it. I naturally sip it whenever I like, and I end up drinking more than my quota of water every day.

Weight Loss NOW or Else!

If you knew when you were going to die, would you really want to know? If you knew when you were going to lose your life, would you do anything differently? If you had a choice of living longer or living a better quality of life, which would you choose, longer or better?

Weight Loss for Good ? If Only You Had Known?

Whether coming from a close friend, the nightly news or from a letter in the mail, it?s hard to face the truth at times. Hear-ing it can really cut to the core of our be-ings.

Lose the Weight for GOOD ? Nothing to Lose or EVERYTHING to Lose?

Some of you will not like what I'm going to say, even though it is the truth. That may be where the issue of America's health problems lies. No one wants to give you the truth, you may not come back to see them.

How to Gain More Pleasure While Losing Weight

It's easy to lose sight of our goals, "Do I eat one of these delicious looking, fruit engorged, glossy, sugar coated lovelies or ... that other thing. What was that? Something about losing weight? Ah, well, it's just one little Danish."

Stop Trusting the Scale--Its Probably Wrong Anyway

Have you ever stepped on the scale after a week of "being really good" only to be rewarded with an eye popping four pound gain? Don't despair! Your scale isn't trying to ruin your efforts and it doesn't hate you. True health is measured in many ways, only one of which is your outward appearance, and what you weigh is the least reliable measure of all.

2 Simple Steps to Effective Weight Loss

It's agreed that if you raise the amount of calories you burn and watch what you eat, both the food and the portions, you'll eventually start losing weight. Don't make it more complicated than this.

What Makes Your Blood Cholesterol High or Low

Your blood cholesterol level is affected not only by what you eat but also by how quickly your body makes LDL-cholesterol and disposes of it. In fact, your body makes all the cholesterol it needs, and it is not necessary to take in any additional cholesterol from the foods you eat.

Mind, Body Weight Loss for life equals behavior change - The Acceptance Factor

Getting to the ROOT of the matter: If the plants in your garden are not healthy looking, just trimming them back will not take care of the problem. What do the roots look like? I am no psychologist, but there is a very interesting twist you need to understand before you begin any weight loss or fitness program. To change unwanted behaviors, it?s important to acknowledge your thinking toward exercise and eating. A lot of people believe they know what that thinking is, but haven?t come to grips with their core beliefs. In other words, they have to get to the ?root of the matter.?

Dieting and Exercising ? Results all the time!

Dieting and Exercising ? Results all the time!

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